About Wapentac

The inventors of the unique Wapenmap a 3D metal map sculpture. Here we let you know what we are doing and you can let us know what you are up to as well. Post your photos, send in yor comments and requests

Whole New World

I will admit blogging is very new to me. I am a visual person, I like to create physical, visual things. I love reading other peoples words…..but writing is a whole new ball game….or  a better phrase would be a ‘whole new world!’ Isn’t the world a fabulous place? I live on the edge of the Peak District, and I try to step into it at least once a day. If you have the right clothes it doesn’t matter what the weather is like. In fact if it’s a bit wet you get more of the place to yourself. The NE of the Peak District is quite quiet as far as visitors go. I am constantly pouring the map searching out new paths, new worlds I haven’t visited before.